Once again it is October Dyslexia Awareness Month, a time for communities across the U.S. – and even the globe to focus some attention on the difference of instructional needs for those with dyslexia. There are only 4 states without a dyslexia-specific law, and even there some legislation was pending as of March 2020. They are: Hawaii, South Dakota, Idaho, and Vermont. There has been a concerted effort over the past 10 years to bring awareness and to implement change when it comes to educating teachers in training at our universities and awareness to those already working in our schools as to how the science of reading really does inform instruction and intervention.
Please read to the very end of this posting to see what activities are happening in your area and additional trainings that are available on the internet. The information regarding dyslexia is becoming much more accessible than when I first began learning about it. I am so grateful for this advancement!
Much is happening at Successful Learning Educational Services!
While we recently downsized our footprint in our building a bit, our services are expanding to allow some of our tutors to work from home these days. We still believe in a collaborative approach to tutoring and tutors working from their homes are in close connection with myself or collegiate tutors here at SLES! We also will soon be offering online testing for dyslexia in the next several months. While COVID challenges have certainly been something to navigate, it has stretched us to determine how we can best continue to offer our services to those seeking support and assessments. We are almost there!
Some other changes have been some staffing changes. My son, Brian Anthony, resigned at the end of July. We greatly miss him, but he decided to dedicate more time in completing a writing degree through Washington State University. He hopes to pursue professional writing upon graduation. Way to go Brian!
We have some wonderful new employees! You can find out more about them on our website. Together we are now delivering more than 500 tutoring sessions per month! If you know of someone needing tutoring or testing (screening or diagnostic) have them give us a call!
Author Yasmin John-Thorpe
About 2 years ago now, I met author Yasmin John-Thorpe at an arts and crafts fair. I loved her children’s books about the desert southwest, where I have been living for the past two years. I knew my dyslexic students would love to learn about the desert southwest but would not be able to read her books for themselves. I approached her that very first meeting to ask if she had ever thought about uploading her books so that students could hear her stories. She was intrigued…and so our journey began!
Since our first meeting to discuss my question further, Yasmin and I have determined to somehow provide additional books and stories to young readers, especially for my beloved students with dyslexia. That day has finally come! Yasmin wrote a wonderful story over the spring months and asked me to revise the story to be decodable for students with dyslexia or students who have received instruction in reading that is systematic, and phonics based. We are so excited to announce the release of Pete the Pelican. It can now be downloaded (both versions) and is also available in hard copy. Check it out here. Yasmin’s other books are listed there too.
You can listen to our podcast about Yasmin’s writing and here her read aloud A New home for the Q’s. You can also visit her website.
Listen to Successful Learning Educational Services’ podcast interview with Yasmin.
Until ALL can read…
We are still so very passionate in helping ALL children read, especially those with dyslexia. We know that reading instruction that works for students with dyslexia works for many, many other children. We continue our work…UNTIL ALL CHILDREN CAN READ!
We are usually providing a dyslexia simulation in October, but due to COVID restrictions we are unable provide these currently. We hope to be able to offer another simulation in the future.
This October and November join with others in the dyslexia community at these events and learn more about dyslexia at these instructional events:
Go Red Scavenger Hunt for Dyslexia
Underway now! October 3-18th Decoding Dyslexia Oregon (more information)
Understanding Dyslexia Virtual Series, presented by Nancy Mather, PhD
Wed. Oct. 14th 4:00-5:30 pm Dyslexia 1010
Sat. Oct. 17, 12:00-3:30 pm Assessment and Dyslexia
Sat. Oct. 24, 12:00-3:30 pm Interventions and Dyslexia
Register here.
Dyslexia Con IDA Annual Conference
Nov. 13-1, 2020 (more information)
To help us bring awareness to Dyslexia – wear Red for Dyslexia!