10000 NE 7th Avenue Ste. 230, Vancouver, USA  360 326 4739

The Roberts Tutoring Scholarship

Home The Roberts Tutoring Scholarship

In Honor of My Mother

I created The Roberts Tutoring Scholarship in honor of my mother, Donnietta Roberts, a single mom. The scholarship will be awarded in June to a student who displays symptoms of dyslexia, and meets the other following conditions needed for application:
  • Child of a single mom, unable to provide funding for tutoring
  • Living at poverty level (proof of 2016 income level needed)
  • Displays symptoms of dyslexia
  • Able to consistently attend tutoring twice per week while funding lasts
  • Lives in Vancouver, WA area

Apply for scholarship here


Our First Roberts Scholarship Recipient

Meet Nicole & Edward Peters.

Nicole has been a professional Pastry Chef for 13 years, and is very passionate about her work.  She has worked in a wide range of establishments from a patisserie to restaurants, from a chocolaterie to catering, and from a boulangerie to an Asian-inspired American bakery.  She has learned and grown along the way as a pastry chef and leader.

Nine years ago she was blessed to find out that she was going to have a baby boy; she has been single from the time of his birth.  In order to afford Edward with the same opportunities as a dual parent home, she has worked a lot!  Having multiple jobs and long hours have been the norm.  However, with her hard work, she has been able to send Edward to a reputable pre-school and a private elementary school with some financial assistance.  She has also been able to provide him the opportunity to play in sports and school clubs, as well as with tutoring for his dyslexia.

Edward is making good progress, but it is slowed significantly when a family can only afford one session per week.  We are offering the extra sessions at our cost.

We have awarded Edward Peters with a $750 scholarship, which will provide an additional 26 sessions, lasting about 6 months.  We would love to offer him 52, or a full year’s worth of extra sessions.  Nicole will continue to pay for one session per week.

We would like to help Nicole celebrate her newest endeavor, as she has been able to follow one of her lifelong dreams of opening her very own shop: Galette Pastry and Cafe, aptly named after Edward’s favorite pastry, a galette.  Here is her new shop’s information:

Galette Pastry and Cafe
Downtown Vancouver
309 E. 15th St. Ste. B
Vancouver, WA 98663


If you would like to donate to the Roberts Scholarship, please see our donation information below.  Thanks to all of those who have helped make this happen!

Contact Us

Any questions or comments? We’d love to help. Just call us on 360 326 4739 between 9am and 6pm, Mon-Fri PST.

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