10000 NE 7th Avenue Ste. 230, Vancouver, USA  360 326 4739


Successful Learning…in a classroom

The following is a list of ongoing Successful Learning classes with upcoming start dates. Click on the name of each class for details, including how to register.

Does your child need to memorize the multiplication facts? Have they found it difficult to do so?

This course will help your child understand the multiplication concept, visualize the multiplication facts by groups, and work on memory by introducing a new technique to help lock in those facts!

Click here for details.

Money Class

Does your child need support in learning how to recognize coins and bills?

Do they know how to count out money when making monetary transactions?

Click here for details.

Seeing My Time Class

This innovative class will help you see what your current life schedule is like and how to better manage the time you have.

Click here for details.

HeartMath® Class

If your child experiences stress during tests or when being assigned large projects have them take this short class!

Click here for details.


Contact Us

Any questions or comments? We’d love to help. Just call us on 360 326 4739 between 9am and 6pm, Mon-Fri PST.

Contact Us